
YODDHA GOLD (Mycorrhizal Bio Fertilizer


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Humic Acid Nano Mycobacterium
Amino Acid Endo-Ecto VAM
Vitamins(C&K) Moe
Vitamins (B1 & B2) Vitamins (E)
Azotobacter (B) Rhizobium (B)
Azospirillum (F) NPK+Zu (B)


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Soil fertility Soil productivity
Soil structure Soil texture

Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plants at the root level. These fungi enshroud and, in some case, penetrate the structure of plant roots to form an intimate connection that facilitates a 2-way nutrient exchange. BENEFITS:-

Improve plant root growth and development. Increase the uptake and mobilization of NPK in all crops Increase and facilitate nutrient and translocation

from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to xylem, Phloem, elements like nitrogen, potassium, Iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, Sulphur and molybdenum

Effective in overcoming the stress condition like drought, disease incidence and deficiency.

Enhance product quality and increase immune power of the crop

How to use - 3-6 Kg per acre. WARRANTY: Since the use of the product is beyond our control. We cannot assume any responsibility other than uniform quality of the product.

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